SDL Token
SDL is the Saddle DAO governance token.
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SDL is the Saddle DAO governance token.
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Saddle has served as community and a developer first infrastructure entirely embracing open-source collaboration since our launch in Jan 2021. We are here today because of the many community members and liquidity providers who supported our journey over the past year.
As the Saddle protocol grows and develops, DAO governance is our next step in our community and LPs outreach.
SDL is the Saddle DAO governance token.
Find SDL token code here
The max supply of 1 billion SDL has been minted at genesis and will become available over the course of 3 years. We split the initial SDL allocation between:
% of Tokens
# of Tokens
Vesting Period
Saddle community members
510,000,000 SDL
See breakdown in the following section
225,000,000 SDL
2 years
Team members
259,000,000 SDL
3 years
6,000,000 SDL
3 years
The Saddle community tokens (510,000,000 SDL) are further allocated as per the schedule below:
% of Tokens
# of Tokens
Vesting Period
1) Past liquidity providers and users, as distributed below:
150,000,000 SDL
2 years
1.1) Historical LPs
105,000,000 SDL
2 years
1.2) veCRV Holders
30,000,000 SDL
2 years
1.3) Any address that swapped $100> using Saddle contracts
5,000,000 SDL
2 years
1.4) Multisig signers
5,000,000 SDL
2 years
1.5) Early depositors
5,000,000 SDL
2 years
2) Liquidity mining
50,000,000 SDL
No vesting
3) Community incentives program (bounties4bandits) and grants
10,000,000 SDL
No vesting
4) Governance treasury
200,000,000 SDL
3 years
15% of SDL (150,000,000 SDL) can be claimed by past liquidity providers and users with 2-year vesting. This is broken down as follows:
10.5% pro rata to historical liquidity providers (105,000,000 SDL)
Cut-off date is 11/1/21
Tokens were distributed per block to historical liquidity providers by accounting for provided liquidity amounts in dollars as a percent of total TVL
Rewards were doubled during the one month guarded launch period
3% split evenly across veCRV holders (30,000,000 SDL) as a token of thanks for the StableSwap maths (using the latest EPS snapshot)
0.5% split evenly across each address that has ever swapped using Saddle contracts (5,000,000 SDL)
Cutoff date is 10/1/21 (any addresses swapping with any Saddle contract before then is eligible)
Addresses swapping less than a total of $100 are excluded to prevent sybils
0.5% split evenly across multisig signers (5,000,000 SDL)
0.5% pro rata to early depositors - we’d like to appreciate and compensate these community members, a few of whom took risks and lost value.
The token is initially non-transferable for a period of between 3 to 12 months. After 3 months, governance may vote to enable transfers. After 12 months, they may be enabled by anyone. The token and vesting contracts have been audited by Quantstamp, read the audit here.
We are launching SDL as non-transferrable to allow community members to earn more and deter short-term profit-seekers and mercenaries.
All historical users and liquidity providers can claim their SDL now on the Saddle dApp.
You can earn the Saddle tokens in 2 ways – by LPing in Saddle’s incentivized pools and by participating in the bounties4bandits (b4b) program.
5% of SDL (50,000,000 SDL) has been allocated to liquidity mining programs across Ethereum, Arbitrum, and (later) Optimism which can be earned without any vesting. The initial liquidity mining program will run for 6 months and 2.23% (22,300,000 SDL) will be distributed as follows:
% of Tokens
# of Tokens
Stablecoin V2
Arbitrum (L2)
Optimism (L2)
Liquidity mining will begin on 11/18/21 12:00 AM UTC. The remaining 3.75% of tokens have been earmarked for future pools, to be decided upon by the community. Specific information on SDL incentives for each pool is available on the Pools page on the dApp.
0.75% (7,500,000 SDL) is allocated with no vesting to a community multisig for grants for community contributions through bounties4bandits (b4b), a program run by our community members in collaboration with Encode Club. Encode Club is receiving a 0.25% grant over three years for their continued support.
b4b is Saddle’s hackathon / grants program for Saddle community members to get involved and get rewarded, with several technical and non-technical tracks. Learn more about b4b here.
The remaining 30% of tokens (300,000,000 SDL) will vest to the governance treasury over 3 years. The community will decide how to distribute these tokens going forward through community initiatives, liquidity mining, and other programs.
SDL token holders can vote on proposals. Initially, the proposals will be on Snapshot, which the current community multisig will then enact. Discourse will be the platform for discussion of the proposals.
We expect proposals in the next few months to migrate to fully on-chain governance using the Compound Governor Bravo and add additional token economics.
Sign up for an account on the Saddle community Discourse to participate in protocol governance.